Tuesday, August 24, 2004

DUH Award
Article 19 awards the DUH for last week's most outstanding Captain Obvious moment in the media to 2 deserving recipients (after a manual recount, it was still a tie):
1. Condi Rice on Hannity: "This President realizes that wars are fought by people." That President, really making progress isn't he?
2. In a shocker, this year's annual study of teen sex and drug use found that some young people, and slightly older people, tend to be be bad influences. Quite a change from 2003, when teen peer groups encouraged mostly civic participation and love of parents and siblings.

Slightly missing the cut were reports that fraternities and sororitities are popular at schools, that 5 year olds with glasses are sometimes teased, that winning a trampoline competition doesn't necessarily change your life.

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