Thursday, March 04, 2004

Will Kerry Capture the Fundraising Magic of the Internet?
A prominent blog, Eschaton, designated Thursdays "John Kerry Thursdays," encouraging readers to make a contribution to the campaign that day. The Dean campaign taught me that giving money to a particular fundraising drive builds tremendous loyalty and sense of ownership of the campaign. And also that I'm a big dumb sucker for that kind of thing (oooh, watching the numbers go up...). Worse than any kid the APA was worried about.

But maybe I'm not alone and more adults than just me are join-the-club suckers too. Apparently, Atrios had a bigger day than he expected helping Kerry raise money online. I wonder if success will be the rule and not the exception for Kerry in the blogosphere? Would be a good sign.

Even though I'm fully on board, I don't know when my Dean grief will allow me to actually give money. Deb, maybe the key is to contribute first, and the love will follow?

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