Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Busy Reading Afternoon--Don't Tell the Boss
Billmon, in an update, links to a helpful blow by blow account of the Clarke book at The Road to Surfdom. It's no quick read itself (I've only read the first entry, which you have to scroll down to find) but if you don't have the money or the time for a real book and want to know more of what this one's like than you can tell from the brief bits covered in the news, here's the first post.

Also, while I'm at it, Billmon has a spot-on prediction of the story sure to break tomorrow, since David Kay still insists that the President should "come clean" about Iraq.

And lastly for today, Congressman Pete Stark thinks he knows (pdf file) who's responsible for the fact, reported today, that Medicare solvency has been cut 7 years from the last estimate. 3 guesses who it is. It's now set to go broke in 2019, not 2026. For an "I-don't-trust-the-media!" link, you can read the entire Trustees report here.

What are you reading?

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