Thursday, January 10, 2008

Who Cares?
John Kerry is endorsing Obama. And Josh Marshall says "the big question" is who will Al Gore endorse? I say who freaking cares. They should all keep their traps shut, or at least let their preference be known in a low-key way. I suppose Oprah's endorsement might have helped. But short of that - someone popular, influential, and outside of politics - these endorsements are a waste of time at best. At worst, and more likely in my opinion, it's a turn-off. Anyway, how can you be the candidate of change and fundamentally alter American presidential politics if your campaign is riding in on the shoulders of the last 2 Democratic nominees? If you're Al Gore and you want Obama to get the nod, I say - in the immortal words of Elmer Fudd - be vewy vewy quiet.

Seriously, Kerry's damaged goods, fairly or not, and even he knows it - it's why he's not running himself. Why on Earth would you appear on stage with him?

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