Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Iowa Stuff
Because what else will we talk about for the next 2 days?

Kucinich has had enough of Edwards and is asking his supporters to back Obama. Nader is backing Edwards.

Who's ahead? Who knows. CNN's poll has Obama and Clinton out in front with Edwards 9 back. Insider Advantage has Edwards and Clinton neck and neck with Obama 7 behind. The Des Moines Register has Obama out in front on his own.

Obama is taking heat for criticizing the Gore and Kerry campaigns for being too polarizing, (though frankly I don't see the need to read his remarks that way) and for taking a bit of a shot at Edwards for being a trial lawyer.

Just a thought. In a sane world, this close a three-way race, in this quirky a voting system, would be seen for what it is: a tie. Then, more of the rest of us would have a say, things not having been decided. Instead, whichever candidate manages to eke out a tiny win will get a disproportional bump, and whichever ends in third will get an unfair negative spin. But that's the way it is.

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