Wednesday, November 03, 2004

The Plan From Here
With the gap in Ohio widening, not shrinking here at the end, I find myself sadly believing Republicans more than Democrats about how many provisional ballots there actually are in the state. I'm guessing Kerry wakes up in the morning to a hill that's just impossibly high, given the math, and concedes before the end of the day. But it wouldn't bother me if he knows that and still goes on and gives them hell and fights to the end.

Either way, I'm not expecting a good outcome. As I see it, we have only one option: move. No, don't move to Canada or New Zealand. I say we have to move to a blue state (those of us who don't live in one). We increase the population in those good states, and decrease it in these loser states, and the electoral votes will floow. Sure the evil ones will win the South even more handily, but hey all you can get is all of the electoral votes. Win by as much as you like.

Illinois looks lovely, Oregon seems quite beautiful. Maryland and Delaware also seem like very nice places. Who's with me?

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