Wednesday, November 10, 2004

One way to deal with it...
Via Wonkette, a very special personal ad at Craigslist
I would like to fight a Bush supporter to vent my anger. If you are one, have a fiery streek, please contact me so we can meet and physically fight. I would like to beat the shit out of you.
Sadly, this may be setting a bad example for the kids, who are beating the shit out of the Bush-supporting kids for that time-honored high school tradition, calling them gay, for supporting Kerry.

Luckily there are adults around, right? Like Dakota County Attorney James Backstrom who reportedly (ok, it's Drudge...) said: "It's a good thing to see young people interested and excited about politics..." errrr, ok he said other adult things after that, but really why would that be the first thing out of your mouth after a handful of kids beat up some other kids with baseball bats and knuckles made of padlocks?

And, Stevie T, why did we never think of dealing with Big Sam this way when we were in high school? He was scary with his gargantuan truck.

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