Wednesday, August 27, 2008

McCain's Misogyny [UPDATED]
Perhaps building on the post below, I note with interest the celebration surrounding John McCain's endorsement by Latino star (apparently) "Daddy Yankee", whose hit song "Gasolina" is, well, not about fossil fuel. [Be careful with that link if you are at takes you to some explicit explanation of the song's lyrics, as well as a music video that rather sells the point.]

Taken together - the cruelty toward Chelsea, the crudity toward Hillary, this new, let's call it teenage sexploitation endorsement, plus - don't forget - McCain's earlier suggestion that his wife should enter something of a topless fornication pageant at the Sturgis Festival, and you've got a candidate with a pretty disturbingly well-defined anti-woman resume.

You'd think after a while someone in the press corps might put this together and ask a few questions - not of McCain, but of the conservative religious crowd he so needs to have a chance at winning in November.

[UPDATE: As it turns out, teenage sexploitation specialist "Daddy Yankee" initially approached the Obama campaign for an endorsement (desperately seeking to break into the over-18 voting crowd?) but was rebuffed, for exactly the reasons that McCain's camp should be skewered for accepting him. For their part, the McCain campaign - presumably because they can't imagine any campaign might function with integrity - doesn't believe the Obama report.

It would be nice if the communication between the "gasolina" artist and the Obama campaign were archived in some form to prove them wrong. In such a case, I would trumpet this essential difference in campaign values every hour of every day from now until November. Maybe that's why I don't run political campaigns.]

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