Monday, May 10, 2004

Random Monday afternoon thoughts
--There may be yet another attempt to bring up the anti-choice consitutional amendment up for a vote in the TN House late this afternoon. I'm proud to say at least it's a Republican bringing it up this time, trying to bypass the committee vote with a 2/3 majority in the full house. You don't want to know how close that will be. But it's something I'm keeping my eye out for and will update here.
[UPDATE: REPRIEVE--Only able to muster a paltry 53 of 99 House members to vote to change the constitution with an anti-choice provision (66 were required), the effort to bypass the subcommittee and bring the measure to the full state House failed. The bad news is that in a chamber controlled by Democrats there were 53 votes for this nonsense, but no matter now. The earliest this could now go to the people for a referendum is estimated to be 2010]

--Bob Mould has a blog! I guess when you're famous you can blog about how you spend your day, your allergies, etc. But it's pretty interesting at times - I did a quick scroll-through. And you'll notice he chose the same template I did. So we'll add that to the list of things we have in common.

--I don't know how often he's right, but Mr. Zogby himself is predicting a Kerry victory.

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