Thursday, April 01, 2004

More Like This
I didn't hear much of Air America yesterday, but I'm reading that Randi Rhodes, who apparently has been a radio host for a while (down here, who would know?), took Ralph Nader to task on her first AAR show. He got so frustrated he hung up. Here's a snippet from the transcript ckerr took the time to make and post in a DailyKos Diary. Read the whole thing if you're angry at Nader too:

"Randi: -- I'm angry at you! I'm a genuine person who's really mad at your candidacy!

Nader: Well, why are you denying millions of people the opportunity to vote for my candidacy --

Randi: Because. We. Can't. Afford. It.

Nader: -- how arrogant, how arrogant can you be? --

Randi: I'm not arrogant, I'm a patriot! I -- we can't afford you, and real patriots have to stand up and question your candidacy!

Nader: Wait a minute! wait a minute. Why are you denying millions of Americans an opportunity to have more choice --

Randi: Because.... how many ways to Sunday do I have to tell you. We can't afford you."
Nader: -- you've got a very bad interviewing technique --

Randi: -- uh uh uh. I am not --

Nader: -- and you're not going to get an audience by overtalking --

Randi: -- interviewing you --

Nader: Do not overtalk!

Randi: I am not ... interviewing you!

Nader: Do not overtalk!

Randi: I mad at you! Don't you understand the difference?

Nader: Fine, just close up and start screaming to your audience.

Randi: [laughs] Look. Don't tell me how to do radio; I've done it for twenty years. You screwed up the last election, and now you want to screw up this one, and I'm pissed!

Nader: (pause; speechless) You know, you ought to be ashamed of yourself because you --

Randi: But I'm not! You know you should --

Nader: -- you agree with me --

Randi: -- be ashamed of yourself! --

Nader: -- you agree with me on so many issues. You really ought to be ashamed of yourself.

Randi: I'm not ashamed of myself. I can't afford you!

Nader: (struggling for words) Nobody stands, nobody for stands, for workers and, and, and the poor people the way I do.

Randi: Ralph, sometimes I look at something, sometimes I look at a really fabulous, fabulous pair of shoes, but I can't afford em. I can't afford you! I'm not saying you're not fabulous. I can't afford you! Why you don't get this I don't know."

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