Sunday, June 01, 2008

Random Primary Thoughts
--Looks like the turnout in Puerto Rico is not nearly what was projected (900,000), much less hoped for (2 million) by the Clinton campaign. Assuming that holds up, she will lose the popular vote even including Florida.

--Went to the Democratic Party's Jackson Day Dinner last night and Governor Bredesen and indeed the entire event onstage sounded ready to unify behind Obama, even without expressly saying it that way.

--At that same event, a Hillary-supporting couple at my table referred to the guest speaker, Senator Claire McCaskill as a "traitor" for supporting Senator Obama. It occurred to me that while at one time the Obama campaign may have had the appearance of an over-excited, cult-like following, it is now the Clinton campaign that has the claim on rabid-in-the-face-of-reality.

--Perhaps because of that, I still think Clinton as VP offers more positive than anyone else I can think of.

--This would be nice, if true:
Despite veiled threats to keep the race going by taking the Michigan compromise to the Democratic party's credentials committee or even to the party's convention in August, Clinton's team is already sounding out Obama about taking on some of her campaign staff and adopting some of her policy positions, particularly on health. Clinton would in turn endorse Obama and the two might appear together later this week.

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