Monday, March 03, 2008

What have you been reading, listening to, watching?

Homage to the Heist Movie
Terrence Rafferty in the NYTimes ahead of the upcoming "Bank Job." I think he leaves out some pretty good ones, but it's a nice piece. What are your favorite robbery flicks?

Monster Cables: Not All That Special
from BoingBoing
A reader forwarded us a post from the Audioholics Home Theater Forum... He says his brother ran an experiment on him and four other audio aficionados listening to a new CD from a new group blindfolded. Seven different songs were played, each time heard with the speaker hooked up to Monster Cables, and the other time, hooked up to coat hanger wire. Nobody could determine which was the Monster Cable and which was the coat hanger. The kicker? None of the subjects even knew that coat hangers were going to be used.
Article 19 Movie Warning
Don't see Vantage Point.... you have been warned.

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