Sunday, February 22, 2004

Why Nader Offends the World of Dean
We shouldn't need any more proof that Dean and his supporters are Democrats and committed to supporting the nominee, and will not be jumping ship to Nader. In fact, Dean's campaign has ensured just the opposite, by: a) making the case better than anyone that Bush's policies (even those the Democrats supported) are harmful to the country; b) convincing liberals who may have voted 3rd party in a sure Democratic defeat that Bush is beatable; c) making the Democratic candidates immensely more palatable to greens and other left-leaning independents by improving their message and methods of announcing them. In announcing his Presidential bid, saying the Democratic Party is as hopeless as ever, Mr. Nader denies the Dean campaign ever even happened.

Whether or not we believe we made an impact in turning votes for Dean, we do believe we made an impact on the Democratic Party that is worthwhile. Clearly the terms of debate, even the tone of debate is Howard Dean's. More important, the priority of grassroots organizing and small-donor fundraising, things Ralph was supposed to care about, will never again be ignored in Presidential politics. The main reason Deaniacs will not flock to Nader is that we are pragmatic and believe in improving the Democratic Party from the inside as the best way to achieve change. But another big reason we won't is because this entry is a slap in the face to everything we accomplished, and mean to accomplish in the future.

For evidence already today that anti-Nader/pro-Democrats sentiment is pulsing through the Dean campaign, try this post from former Dean blogger-in-chief, Mathew Gross; and this one on no less than the official Dean campaign blog, written by Internet Outreach Director, Zephyr Teachout.

Who does Nader think he is?? I'm going to have to write anti-Nader haiku all afternoon to get this bad taste out of my mouth. Or maybe a latte and some sushi will do it.

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